The Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church has called congregational meeting for Sunday October 2, 2022, immediately following the 10:30 am worship service. The purpose of the called meeting is for the congregation to elect an at-large member to serve on the congregation’s nominating committee. The purpose off the nominating committee is to prayerfully discern, and present to the congregation, a proposed slate of persons to serve as ruling elders on the session for the next three years.

If you plan to nominate someone from the floor to serve on the nominating committee, you must ask the person you plan to nominate if they are willing to be nominated, and if elected are willing to serve, on the committee for the coming year. You must ask the person being nominated these questions prior to actually making the nomination from the floor.

As soon as the nominating committee completes their work, we will call another congregational meeting for them to present their proposed slate of ruling elders.