August 25, 2024 is a special day, one for celebration and recognition of 30 years of ministry of Chris Jones. Chris began his ministry at Trinity as Interim Minister in February of 2020.  He preached for 3 Sundays before the pandemic shut everything down.  Trinity had never broadcast a service before, but Chris gathered his staff and some volunteers and began broadcasting services each week.  This continued until late May when we moved outside on the lawn and eventually to the Gym. Chris, the people person that he is, was trying to meet the congregation and everyone was wearing a mask!  Session and committee meetings were done via Zoom.  It was a tough start to a tough year.  With Chris’s innovative leadership our church made it through that difficult time.  

An important part of Chris’s ministry is congregational care – connecting with people through teaching God’s word, visiting those who are in need, performing baptisms, weddings and funerals, and leading the congregation to serve the community. A survey was done of the congregation about the direction in which Trinity should move forward.  An overwhelming response was to be more missional – to connect with Travelers Rest and our community.  With the support and participation from our congregation, these are a few of the ongoing mission opportunities and programs we have worked toward —

Streaming broadcast of worship services each Sunday, Parents’ Morning Out program, Basketball Ministry, Scout troops for boys and girls, Village Wrench bicycle outreach, Vacation Bible School, Easter and Halloween events for community families, Youth ministry doing community service and events tied to Travelers Rest High School, North Greenville Crisis Ministry, Adopt a Road trash pickup.

Chris has a real talent for recognizing projects and getting them done.  An ongoing major project is the improvement and maintenance of our facilities.  Around the church campus, Chris has directed fundraising, volunteers, and the workers to accomplish the following improvements –New digital signage, a sound booth in the sanctuary, with video cameras and sound equipment upgrades, painting of the sanctuary and narthex, as well as much of the rest of the buildings, new playground equipment for the children, LED lighting in the sanctuary, gym, McKinney Hall, and outside for brighter lighting at a lower cost, a new security and monitoring system for the facility, columbarium expansion and prayer garden remodeling, new paraments for the sanctuary chancel area, and welcome centers in the narthex and in McKinney Hall.

Chris, thank you for your leadership and guidance in your ministry at Trinity.  We hope to celebrate your next milestone right here.